The following code in Python, takes two numbers in parameters: start and stop.
It counts down from start to stop when start is bigger than stop.
And counts up from start to stop otherwise.
def counter(start, stop):
x = start
msg = ""
if start == stop:
msg = str(start)
elif start > stop:
msg = "Counting down: "
while x >= stop:
msg += str(x)
if x > stop:
msg += ","
msg = "Counting up: "
while x <= stop:
msg += str(x)
if x < stop:
msg += ","
return msg
#Test cases
print(counter(1, 10)) # Must be "Counting up: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10"
print(counter(2, 1)) # Must be "Counting down: 2,1"
print(counter(5, 5)) # Must be "5"