Tips and Tricks

How to Start New Project in Laravel


Laravel is an amazing MVC Framework, written in PHP. It allows you start developing great web projects in no time. Here, we will provide you with a tip on how to start a new project efficiently.


First, you must configure your environment for Laravel development.

For this, please refer to our related article:
How to install Laravel MVC

The Steps

Every time you start a new Laravel project, do the following:

  1. Open terminal from the root of your working directory
  2. Execute the following command:
    laravel new YourProjectName
  3. Navigate to your newly created project’s directory
    cd YourProjectName
  4. Initialize Git, executing the following command
    git init
  5. Add your project to Git
    git add .
  6. Commit
    git commit -m "Initial commit"

Happy Coding!